
Friday, July 27, 2012

Celebrity Boot Month Japanese Ann Curry

Celebrity Boot Month (Half Japanese) Ann Curry
Ann Curry's father served in the United States Navy and he met Ann's mother while stationed in Japan. Ann was born in Guam and grew up on an American naval base in Japan before moving to Oregon and graduating from high school. Ann graduated from the University of Oregon and began her broadcast journalism career working for an Oregon NBC affiliate in 1978. 
In June, Ann was replaced as the co-host of the Today show where she has worked for the last 15 years, but will remain with the show as an anchor-at-large. Boot Nation loves Ann Curry because of her sweetness, professionalism and great collection of knee-high boots, which she has blessed us by wearing a lot during her distinquished career. 
Below, you can see several photos of Ann wearing her signature knee-high boots with the distincive 5" heel. Ann also has a very nice pair of black suede knee high boots. These boots look very warm and the size zippper is very distinct. In one photo with Matt Lauer, you can even see the dirt on the bottom of Ann's well worn boots.
If a bug had to die an instant death, it would be so lucky to have it's last moment watching Ann Curry's high heel boot crush it's existence. Oh, to be such a lucky little bug.
We look forward to Ann's continued contributions to the Today show and eagerly await her sharing her most recent boots as well. 


  1. ann curry is beautiful in every way, and incredibly sexy in boots

  2. Video: Ann Curry Sexy in Boots
